Hey....are you sleeping seperate with your partner ..is it the same situation .........may be you can have cybersex to fufill your needs and wants...=]
Recently, there are a lot of people talking about cybersex. Have you heard cybersex before? If yes, which adjective you are going to use? Horrible? Cool? Disgusting? Embarrassing? Or Hyper? Do you know that man have cybersex more than women that is because female feel embarrassed. But why……why we have to feel embarrassed and why people need to against cybersex.
There are two different voices exist in the society. There are a lot of people said that cybersex is a kind of crack cocaine, it will lead to addiction afterward have a more difficult time recovering from their addiction because the pornographic images stay in your brain forever and pornographic affect the children’s mind. On the other hand, some people think that just for fun and we can separate the virtual life and real life because we are adult.
In my point of view, Parents should not think that pornographic will affect their children in contrast you should make use of this opportunities to educate your child. Let them know that what is sex and how to have sex safety. For example, second life can be a tool for the parent to teach the children proper sex attitude. As we know that internet is accessible, we can go online everywhere and every time. Also nowadays children learn how to use the internet in the earlier stage. Therefore, even you try to avoid the children from those informations, they can find it by themselves easily. So why you still so conservative mind, it’s time for you to lead your children to discuss about sex and you can know more about your children what are they thinking and minimize generation gap problem. See, how useful of the pornographic.
Sex is a human need. We will not public discussion but it doesn't mean that it does not exist. Our community is becoming more and more open minded, we can think out of the box should not always follow the old path. Female should try to enjoy our life , should not constraint by the view of the public. IT IS NOT SHAME, we can separate the virtual life and the real life. Virtual life is unreal that is a space for you to express your feeling and release your stress. If we have to scare too much, your life will become hard. You should know that those kind of pornographic and the cybersex help a lot of people to cure their psycho problem and help the male to build confidence.
Every thing has both sides. If we can think in a positive way, everything will be changed. May be some people think that pornographic, cybersex is toxic but the truth is they can help people in different way. We should not avoid the society problem, we have to learn how to accept it and let it becomes a tool used in our daily life.