Friday, May 28, 2010
Media is not only talking about the journalist, writing and also concern about the development of the society. How media via internet influence our environment. For example, the hate groups using internet to express their sadness and anger, You Tube becomes a place for people to express their emotion. Also, they are using the video clip to promote the political issue such as the Obama girl and sometimes it is a place for the people to discuss.
But when you ask me which one do you think that it has the potential to dominate the eLandscape in the future. My answer is mobile phone. It likes water and air which can not without in our life. Convenience is the greatest advantage of mobile phone to dominate the eLandscape. Mobile phone is not only a tool to contact each other but also it becomes a screen. You can use it to check you bank account, watch movie, use the map to make sure where you are, via to the internet, watch news, weather report, listen to the music, take photo and so on.
Nowadays, people can get free wildfire in many place such as university, McDonalds, Starbucks, airport and so on. If the people have mobile phone, they can go online everywhere and everytime. Also, IPhone have different application such as take photos; make the video as well therefore they can become the produser every moment. They can put the stuffs in the You Tube via mobile phone also facebook, twitter. You can see that mobile phone become a monitor to control our life. It makes our life more flexible and connects the world.
I have talked about 8 topics before; all of them can use the mobile phone to do it as what I said before. This 8 topics are becoming our daily life, watching You Tube, discuss, express..Mobile phone have add different applications on it ,makes it more functional .Mobile phone should be dominate the eLandscape in the future.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Tiananmen Square protests , You are so luck~!!!
(this video chinese people can not watch it because their government don;t allow them to access the internet to find out those kind of video)
Every weekend, there are a lot of people gathered in front of the state library. They expressed their view of the political issue, sex issue, homosexual issue and so on. Australia government respects their freedom of speech and will not try to resist the people. He only arranges the police to ensure safety of the public and makes sure their activist will not influence the traffic. People not only can express their view in a public place but also via the internet. They can be the filmmakers, particularly social activists, from creating content that is often critical of the status quo. DO YOU KNOW YOU ARE SO LUCKY?! I think some of the people that this is the basic right. But let me tell you the truth that is not……………..
Some of the Asia countries such as China, North Korea, Union of Myanmar and so on. People cannot talk about their country or against the political issue. If the government notices that, they will need to jail for life or few years. They cannot discuss those sensitive topics in a public place therefore some of the director or public try to act some film to put in the internet such as YouTube. How relevant do you think online documentary is in ensuring the potential for all voices to be heard, and more importantly, freedom of speech? It depends on different rules of different countries. For most of the western countries, the relationship of online documentary and freedom of speech intimately connected. People can be the filmmakers to promote their idea via internet such as the Obama girls or other documentary. No one will try to find out your IP address and arrest. You don't need to worry anything and upload it. THAT’S ALL!!! The documentary can put in the internet for a long time.
For most of the Asia countries what I mention before, online documentary does not have the potential for all voices to be heard and freedom of speech. Don't talk about the online documentary, take North Korea as an example, their computer can only link to the intranet, their government do not allow them to connect to the internet. They are trying to control their citizen. Take China as an example, when the people try to type some against government words or video, their government will not only allow them to access it but also will find out their IP address and arrest them. See this is the different between Western and Asia. So that it depends on different rules of different countries.
In my point of opinion, online documentary is a new way for the public to express their emotion and let the government to improve their political issue. I wish the people to cherish their right .
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Mobile phone is just a tool
Few days ago, I just asked Amy a question: you only can choose computer or mobile phone which one you are going to choose?! She said: Computer. Her answer is same as me. I choose computer as well. But why I didn’t choose mobile phone? Because computer have all the functions what mobile have. We can use Skype or MSN to communicate with our friends, via internet to go through all the news and find a lot of information and we can watch movie, TV programs or news as well.
Nowadays, mobile phone becomes our article for daily use. I still remember when I was a child, mobile phone was a luxury good. My mum said mobile phone is used by adult not for you. However, she bought me a mobile when I started to go out, dating. She wants to make sure where I am, what I am doing. Therefore, mobile becomes her monitor. Recently, I found out that mobile phone has another functions. People use it for a screen to view movies, take photos, design art and access the internet. Especially, IPhone. Maybe some people think that it becomes the dominant screen of the 21st century but the truth is not. If you want to use the phone to watch movie , you have to transfer the movie to another file and you have to spend a lot of time on it. One movie has to spend over 2 hours on transferring the file. Maybe people can do it once or twice but after few days they will not do it anymore. Do you know what is the magic of a camera, it can capture the important memory so that we require different functions in different places, weathers. But mobile phone can not do it.
According to Levinson, download movie, via the internet is really expensive. Not many people can spend a lot of money on it. Television, radio is free for you to watch the news, weather report. At last, people will choose to sit in front of the television watch what they want to watch. Because it is FREE!!!!!!!!!
Mobile phone is an evidence to prove our technology is developing. Every electronic have their own function and their value therefore I don’t think that mobile phone can dominant. Mobile phone the screen is so small; the biggest one should be I Phone. It’s only satisfy the worker and teenagers but it cannot satisfy the elder people. Therefore, mobile phone can not dominant the screen market. TV is still really important.
Many people think that is really important because it can help you to control your life. Sometimes, there are some unexpected things in our life such as traffic jam, the life can not move and so on. In that time, people can use their mobile phone to change their situation. Therefore, people started to rely on the mobile but it doesn't mean that it can replace and dominant the screen market.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Beyoncé - Single Ladies SPOOF (Barack Obama)
After I watched the video, I didn't know that is it supporting Obama or not. Nowadays, there are a lot of video which is talking about the political issue. Those of them are posted on YouTube. It usually uses a popular music and performs in a funny way. YouTube can be used effectively by political parties and politicians. However, there is also the danger of political figures being subjected to ridicule through satire and parody.
What are the benefits and risks of utilising YouTube for political gain?
Via YouTube to promote their political issue can attract a lot of audience especially the young voter and can let the public know more about their political strategies. “Obama did very well with the under 30-year-of-age voter in the primaries and the general election- and this was precisely the group that did not go to the poll.” When we have a look of the statistics, we can found out the power of Youtube. In the past, “50% of 18-29 –year-olds voted in America for the first time since 1972.”Now, after the video 66% of them voted for Obama.
Youtube give a place for people to express their view and leave comments. “Youtube debates marked an important step forward in the democratization of the debate process.” After the Video came out, there are over 2000 comments leave in the website. It can rise to the occasion with honest and important answers. Sometimes the TV programs such as the debate show will arrange some people to ask the questions but they are not only prepare the questions for the people but also the answer for the competitors. Now, they can via the Youtube to express their view and questions. Also, you can get response from others and exchange your opinions. It can help the famous people gain more awareness.
So how about the risk?
People upload the video to YouTube that means we cannot see their response and answer directly because it is not live. It is really important to their performance, how they answer the questions. If they use the video that's mean they have prepared before upload to internet. The answer is not the truth and cannot represent the political person view.
Young people are not mature enough, via the YouTube to be a promotion method to attract the young people. Sometimes, some of the young people only like the funny video. They will not think more about their strategies and the political issue.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
It is so boring XD

Be honest, I don't like watch YouTube maybe I am not trendy enough but I know that there are a lot of people watch Youtube many times a day. Here is a good example, now I wrote my blog few days ago, my roommate asked me to have a look of her computer because she found something really interesting in Youtube. There is a Hong Kong girl just finished her oral exam and she took a video to criticize the examiner. After a few minutes, I found out that this video is posted in my friends facebook. NOT only ONE!!!! Only 10 minutes, people leave over 200 comments in her post. It is really horrible that is the process of produser. The girl is not the only one user, the 200 commenter. Today, I found that there are a lot of new videos responding the original one. Don't Worry…. She is speaking English.
According to Bruns (2008) “There is an absence of producers, distributors, or consumers, and the presence of a seemingly endless string of users acting incrementally as content producers by gradually extending and improving the information present in the information commons, the value chain begins and ends (but only temporarily, ready for further development) with content.”
Sometimes it is good for people be the user and producer because they can share what they are thinking or some academic information. This process can include different voices and angles in the society. Also it is good for other countries people to know more our culture, make our world becomes harmonious or friendly.
On the other hand, some people do not concern about the ethics problem. Some people just leave their comment in the space and using the foul language to express their emotion. this behaviour is adapting by more and more people that has no meaning at all. The only purpose for their action is for offence people without caring about the feeling of others. They do all destructive action in prupose such as hacking others blogs or internet space. You can have a look of the Youtube, there are a lot of people asking she to FXXK OFF which distort the purpose of produsage.
We have to consider about the ethics problem in this issue. Produsage is a good tool for us to exchange and get more information. We should not forget the main purpose of the produsage.